Saturday, November 2, 2024

Fight for Harmony. Complete Online Art Exhibition - Book of Paintings by David Nicholls.

A 74 page fantasy about transforming evil into good and a harmonious self-transforming community that follows.

Giant parasitic leech enters pristine wilderness.

Astro medicates leech with milk, tears form civilized pasture. 

Parasite blossoms into assassination-proof orator hydra. 

Next generation parasite sucks life out of Astro.          Oratory enlightens parasite.

Reformed parasite makes heart-reason wedding cake, applied for mouth to mouth resuscitation.

Astro revives to see galaxy heart city, baby cakes emerge

Cakes arrive at civilized pasture, lay micro-cities

Newly evolved carnivorous toilet emerges from ground, eats cakes.

Astro builds a home for toilet

Astro squeezes life back out of toilet, finds place in community for toilet's new home

Blood-smoke from chimneys forms communal heart. 

Newly arrived flying Rafflesia predator attacks

Life drained from heart, becomes asteroid.                Light liberates parasite

Mask removed

Mask appropriated by Astro to become instrument for good

Astro opens to reveal it is just a suit, protective and nurturing culture.  Reformed mask joins heart and still living body 

Former foes unified.

Remains of community, hearts form asteroid belt.

Healing begins.

Astro sacrifices arms to join and complete community

Community members rearrange to become like Tristan de Cuna, the most remote community

and regroup - party

members rearrange to form Amazonian tribe like community  

and exchange places

Transform into Manhattan-esque community

Manhatten-esque freely communing

Community becomes Ancient Egypt-esque

Transforms into Inuit-esque community

Climaxing community

Pregnant tropical community inside arctic iglo